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dear Audience,
My work consists on arranging material in time.

dear Audience,
thanks for inviting me here.
I am Gemma.
This is the end of my speech.

Dear Audience,


dear Audience,
This is the end of my speech.
Thanks for coming and thanks for being here,

dear Gemma,
I am the Audience.
thanks for inviting me here.

dear Audience,
My work consists on arranging material in time.

- this is how I started my speech
The start of my speech:
dear Audience,
My work consists on arranging material in time.

dear Audience,
thanks for inviting me here.
I am Gemma.
This is not the start of the speech.
The start of my speech is done.

dear you,
I am Gemma.
hello hi.
This could be the end of my speech.

dear Audience,
how to compose a piece?

how to compose a speech?

how to piece a speech?

how to speak a piece?
how to speak a speech?

how to finish a piece?
how to finish my speech?

This is the end of my piece.

dear Gemma,
thanks for inviting me here.

dear Gemma, dear Audience,


there are infinite ways to finish a speech
and there are infinite ways to compose a speech, to compose a piece,
to compose your day, to compose your way,
to compose to compose to compose to compose to composetocomposetocomposetocomposetocomposetocomposetocompose to compose

there are infinite ways to compose, to organize choose your elements
in time

your elements sequence
the time
frame the beginning

there’s not a single end

thanks for inviting me

here the

end could be the start
of my speech.
what if my start was like this:

dear Audience,
thanks for inviting me here.
I am Gemma
My work consists on arranging material in time. Thanks for coming and thanks for being here, This is not the end of my speech.


speech in Tinguely Museum Basel May 2023

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© 2025 Gemma Ragués Pujol

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